Life is an adventure and Shauna has lived many. She has solved numerous perplexing mysteries, explored the depths of the Pacific Ocean, trekked through treacherous terrains and even overthrown entire empires. Of course, she hasn't experienced these first hand but rather through her avid reading and writing. With colour flowing through veins and a plethora of universes swimming through her mind, her creativity could be described as contagious. Although Shauna loves writing, she also dabbles in the artistic field.
Hours of her day are spent with pen in hand, continuously sketching, drawing. If she is not at home creating masterpieces, she is either at school or dance. At one time she genuinely enjoyed attending school but lately it has become more of a burden than anything else. Just thinking about school is utterly exhausting and draining, despite the fact that she's an extremely capable student. Tap is a ray of sunshine for Shauna in a seemingly never ending storm. She dreams of one day being a tap dancer, an author, and an artist all at once. Of course, this is highly unlikely but her dreams fuel her and give her hope when there appears to be none.
Another dominant portion of Shauna's life is spent simply thinking and day dreaming. With a Walter Mitty-esque state of mind, she often has a distant, dreamy gaze. She dreams of becoming a better person, a better writer, a better artist, and a better dancer. Unfortunately, merely thinking about things is not actually doing the things that are needed in order to improve. Although she may say she's an aspiring artist, without an effort her words mean nothing, and in fact, are nothing.
So, who exactly is Shauna Morrow? A question that perhaps may never be answered. One day an author, another an artist, and the next, a dreamer. She can't be defined for she just is. Fluid like the ocean, she's ever changing. Who knows when the tide will come in and wash away the remnants of her former self, leaving a clean slate behind for her to build on.
I am t r a s h that is going no where. I can't even do a simple English project. Goodbye world, perhaps in another life.I DON'T LIKE SAYING GOOD THINGS ABOUT MYSELF BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT TRUE I AM TRASH I AM TRASH I AM TRASH I DON'T DESERVE LIFE.
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